Bob Ocken is a career photographer who started creating with film in college. Film was his first love, and he used many different types and sizes of cameras to create the images on film. Bob also mastered the darkroom techniques made famous by Ansel Adams.
Bob is a nationally award-winning photographer. Bob was part of a team of Associated Press photographers that shared in the 1993 Pulitzer Prize in feature photography for the coverage of the 1992 Presidential campaign.
He also worked with the international news organization Agence France Press covering the 1996 presidential campaign.
From that start, Bob opened a photography company in Little Rock, Arkansas. Using that company to photograph more photojournalism, as well and weddings, commercial and public relations photography, and his heirloom-quality portraits. He is also a passionate instructor, teaching at the Arkansas Art Center and has enjoyed teaching at EAST since 2014 where he led team of EAST photographers documenting the EAST Conference.